ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS Computers in Education in Developing Countries: Why and How (1998) Education and Technology Series, Vol. 3, No. 1. Washington: World Bank Human Development Network – Education Group – Education and Technology Team. A Proposal for the Reengineering of the Educational System (1996), with Alan Lesgold. Review of Educational Research (AERA). Winter 1996, Vol. 66, No. 4. The Dual Role of Computers in Education: Problem Generators and Problem Solvers (March 1996). Proceedings of the International Working Conference on: The Impact of Information Technology - From Practice to Curriculum, edited by Yaacov J. Katz, Daniel Millin and Baruch Offir, 168-179. London: Chapman and Hall. Educational Management in Israeli Elementary Schools (1995), in Information Technology in Educational Management, edited by B.Z. Barta, M. Telem and Y. Gev, 209-214, London: Chapman & Hall. Do the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer? A longitudinal analysis of pupil achievement and progress in elementary schools using computer-assisted instruction (1994), with P. Nesher and J. Ram, International Journal of Educational Research, 21, 1, 53-64. The Intelligent Design of Computer-Assisted Instruction (1991), with R.L. Venezky, New York: Longman Integrating Courseware with Lessonware (October 1990), Proceedings of the 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, 657-659. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press Comparison of Student Performance in Arithmetic Exercises: TOAM vs. Paper-and- Pencil Testing (1989), with P. Nesher, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 31, 293-313 TOAM: C.A.I. on a National Scale (May 1984), Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, 418-424. Silver Spring: IEEE Computer-Assisted Instruction of Arithmetic in Israeli Disadvantaged Elementary Schools (1981), Proceedings of the 3rd. World Conference on Computers in Education, edited by R. Lewis and E.D. Tagg, 469-475. Lausanne: IFIP, North Holland The Survival Principle and the Comparative Evaluation of Instructional Systems (January 1978), Educational Technology, 18, 1, 19-23 On the comparative evaluation of teaching systems under competitive conditions (November 1976), Proceedings of the National Conference on Data Processing, Haifa: IPA (Information Processing Association of Israel) SMITH: How to produce CAI courses without programming (1976), International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 1976, 8, 207-241 A Model of a Teacher and his Students (April 1975), Proceedings of the 6th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, edited by W.G. Vogt and M.H. Mickle, Pittsburgh: ISA Computer produced CAI (July 1974), Proceedings of the 2nd. Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, Jerusalem A system to produce CAI courses from logically structured educational material (1973), Technical Report Nº 29, Dept. of Computer Science, Haifa: Technion