Name: Luis Osin
Interests: Computers in education
School reform
Academic degrees
Doctor of Science in Computer Science, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa, Israel, 1974.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, MIT (Massachussets Institute of Technology), Cambridge, USA, 1967
Ingeniero Industrial, FIA (Facultad de Ingeniería y Agrimensura), Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1966
Professional and educational activities
2001- President, Danain Trading S.A.
1997- Consultant - Computers in Education
CET (Centre for Educational Technology)
World Bank
ILCE (Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa)
1994-1997 Vice-president for Science and Technology, Centre for Educational Technology (CTE), Tel Aviv, Israel
1995 Senior Visiting Faculty Fellow, Learning Research and Development Centre (LRDC), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1976-1994 Director, Dept. of Computers in Instruction, Centre for Educational Technology (CET), Tel Aviv, Israel
1990-1991 Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
1987 Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
1985-1986 Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
1981 Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Educational Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
1976-1983 Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science, Technion
1975-1976 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1974-1975 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer and Communication Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1971-1974 Instructor, Dept. of Computer Science, Technion
1968-1971 Professor, Head of CCUR (Centro de Computación de la Universidad de la República), Montevideo, Uruguay
1962-1968 Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
1960-1968 Instructor, Departament of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
1952-1971 Teacher of Mathematics, Secondary Education, Montevideo, Uruguay
Professional affiliations
Past-president of the Israeli Association for Computers in Education (IACE), 1992-1994